Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Exposure Detective Challenge

Today's challenge is to look at a picture and try to determine what aperture and shutter speed was used. I have given you some tips and clues below to help..


My Comments: I think this picture is using a fast shutter speed between 1/500 and 1/1000 because the quickly moving subject is frozen.  The background is out of focus so this tells me the aperture is on the larger end, between f2 and f4. You would also need a wide open aperture to get enough light into the camera in such a short time span.

Clues for Shutter Speed:
  • is anything in the picture blurred? Use your judgement and decide it blurred because a very long exposure like 8 seconds or blurred because the subject is moving extremely quickly? In the case of fast objects blur can be captured at even 1/100 second exposures.
  • is their a panning effect? Chances are good you have a slow exposure .
  •  is the subject frozen in a way that would normally happen to quickly to see? A very fast (1/500 -1/1000) exposure was probably used.
Clues for Aperture Settings:
  •  is there a shallow depth of field ? (An out of focus background?) This is a clue that a large aperture ex: f2.8 was used.
  •  Is everything near and far in focus? The opposite is true.
Overall Clues:
  • Pay attention to the light. If the picture has an obvious high shutter speed and is nice and bright this means that the aperture must have been wide open.
  • Remember your own experiments, what settings did you use?
Your Challenge
Respond by telling me what approximate settings you think were used for each of the following pictures In the comments section. (Support with evidence!)




Monday, October 1, 2012

Journal #4 and other Important Class Info

First and foremost be sure that you have read the previous post before you begin new work. Some important changes have been made to it in the past 24 hours. I am currently doing my civic duty serving on a Jury and as much as I miss my awesome photography class I will be away for the next little while. Please email me questions if you need help with anything at larissa.turcotte@dsbn.org . I have a break three times a day so I may be able to respond during the class. Don't get stuck on little details, be proactive and find out what needs to be done.

Grade 12's Photograms and Journal 4
Continue to work on your Photogram Assignment. Hannah and Nesta you will need to mix a new batch of developer using the one part developer to nine parts water ratio. Please develop one small piece of "virgin" paper to ensure that the mixture is correct and that the stack of paper has not been  exposed to light. I am concerned about this because you first attempts came out totally black. Your test strip should be white if everything is functioning properly.  You now have until Thursday to submit this.
Hannah and Taylor be sure that you are prepared for Photographing the Mayor's Breakfast Wednesday morning. A minimum of five refined pictures from this event will be your Journal 4. Save all of the photos you take on your M Drive, they will be used by the event coordinators. Nesta be prepared to write the Unit One test tomorrow morning. Your Journal 4 and 5 will be connected to your vacation. Please email me directly for further instructions.

Journal 4: The Eye of the Camera/ Aperture Control
Last week we focused on shutter speed controls, this week we are going to focus on aperture control.
The aperture setting controls:
1. The amount of light that enters the camera

2.  AND the "Depth of Field" Depth of field or D.O.F. is how much of the picture is in focus. For example:

The next few lessons will deal with how to control aperture correctly and when and why this is done.
Journal #4 is to take three photos over the holiday long weekend. One with a small D.O.F. f2.8 (Depth of field), one with medium D.O.F. f5.6 and one with a large D.O.F. f16. Journals will be graded for technical aspects like correct exposure and creative subject matter. Each photo should be of a different subject.

Required Reading for today
Questions and Activity

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fun With Fire: Journal 3 Round-up and Shutter Speed Assignments

I'm seeing some fantastic shutter speed journals and assignments trickle in!

Zoe A (one of the most successfull strobe shots)
I have Jury Duty this week so I would like you all to continue to finish up Journal 3 and work on editing your final Shutter Speed assignment in Photoshop. See the teacher for a key to the supply closet if you need to take photos off of the memory cards in the school cameras. Let's keep it simple for now, using the same techniques you learned last week.
  • Crop your picture if there is extra/distracting background
  • Adjust Lighting under the Enhance Menu (We are looking for sharp contrast)
  • Adjust Colour Setting under the "enhance menu" to bring up Colour Saturation if needed.
  • Submit final product on your blog under a new post titled "Shutter Speed Assignment" and include important info like shutter speed and lighting conditions.
I would like to display some of the best examples from this assignment on the TV in Front Row, so if you are finished everything you can begin to work on a Title Page for yourself.

In Photoshop open a new file that is 10 inches wide and 8 inches tall and 600 dpi.
Under the select menu select all.
Use the paint bucket to fill the entire background black.
Write your name, the title of your work and (your grade) Photography.

Here are some of my light painting experiments from this weekend: