Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pinhole Photography

Who knew a camera could be so simple an still produce an image?

The pinhole camera is photography striped down to its most basic principles; a space where light is permitted to enter for a short period of time an imprint an image of the world onto a light-sensitive paper. No fancy expensive equpiment required.

"My pinhole camera is lensless, uses medium format (120) film, is made from teak wood and produces square images. The exposures are longer to compensate for the pinhole, which is why you will see subtle blur and motion in all of my images. Since the world rarely stands still, my pinhole camera captures all the beautiful motion and energy onto the negative, thus resulting with dreamscape-like qualities. I feel like each pinhole photograph is a marvelous dream? a surreal and whimsical moment in time that has swirled around my daydreams before coming out as the perfect pinhole photograph." ~ Shelly Bochine

Here are some examples of pinhole photography:

Lunch in Philidelphia- Nancy Breslin 2003

Tara -Wayne Martin Belger

Justine Quinnel - Mouthpiece Series

This picture was taken with Justin's MOUTH! No kidding... to find out how he did it and other intersting pinhole techniques and links check out this site.
Also take a look at this site for some amazing handmade pinhole cameras.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Camera Obscura

This video clip is taken from the BBC Documentary "The Genius of Photography". I takes you through the proccess of creating a Camera Obscura in a room. As you can see from the video, the results are impressive when the angle of light cooperates!