Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Journal 7

Grade 11
Black on Black White on White
This is an exercise in getting perfect exposure. If you over or underexpose your image a black object on a black background will either disappear or look grey. Here is an example of an asssignment from a few years ago that was completed really well. Notice the use of contrasting textures used to make the image pop.

Harley White
Grade 12
Ombre and or Colour Gradations

shaded or graduated in tone: said of a color

This photo journal is a combination of two elements of design. Value and gradation as well as colour. The term Ombre has become popularly associated with the hair style but the term existed prior to this and refers to a gradual gradation of colour from one to another. You may actually have to arrange items for this assignment OR look for natuaral occurences or this effect. Examples of this are below:
I took this one with my phone of old linoblocks from a printmaking assignment.

Naturally occuring colour gradation "Getty Images"

Constructed Ombre Image: Design Sponge

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