Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Exposure Detective Challenge

Today's challenge is to look at a picture and try to determine what aperture and shutter speed was used. I have given you some tips and clues below to help..


My Comments: I think this picture is using a fast shutter speed between 1/500 and 1/1000 because the quickly moving subject is frozen.  The background is out of focus so this tells me the aperture is on the larger end, between f2 and f4. You would also need a wide open aperture to get enough light into the camera in such a short time span.

Clues for Shutter Speed:
  • is anything in the picture blurred? Use your judgement and decide it blurred because a very long exposure like 8 seconds or blurred because the subject is moving extremely quickly? In the case of fast objects blur can be captured at even 1/100 second exposures.
  • is their a panning effect? Chances are good you have a slow exposure .
  •  is the subject frozen in a way that would normally happen to quickly to see? A very fast (1/500 -1/1000) exposure was probably used.
Clues for Aperture Settings:
  •  is there a shallow depth of field ? (An out of focus background?) This is a clue that a large aperture ex: f2.8 was used.
  •  Is everything near and far in focus? The opposite is true.
Overall Clues:
  • Pay attention to the light. If the picture has an obvious high shutter speed and is nice and bright this means that the aperture must have been wide open.
  • Remember your own experiments, what settings did you use?
Your Challenge
Respond by telling me what approximate settings you think were used for each of the following pictures In the comments section. (Support with evidence!)





  1. 1. i think a slow shutter speed was used to capture the movements to make it seem like a straight stream of water, wirth a large focal range to catch the waterfall at a wide angle.
    2. A small focal point, so a closed lense, was used to focus in on the hand. Probably a normal shutter speed maybe 1/800
    3. A really fast shutter speed was used probably 1/3000 so capture the fast movement, and for it to still be clear.
    4. i cant see the photo.....

  2. Picture 1
    I think the picture was taken with a slow shutter speed because it appears to be a bit blurred. I think a shutter speed of 1" to 4" was used. I think a small aperture (f/8?)was used because everything seems to be in focus (except for the moving water).

    Picture 2
    I think a long shutter speed (2"-4")because the background is blurred. I think that a large aperture (f/2.8) was used because the background is out of focus.

    Picture 3
    I think the picture was taken with a fast shutter speed (between f/500 and f/1000 because the subject that would be moving very quickly is frozen. I think a small aperture size was used (f/8-f/12)beacause everything is in focus.

    Picture 4 won't load

  3. I think for picture 1 of the water it had to have a long shutter speed and a aperture of f/2 maybe because it had to let the light in and to make the water look smooth the shutter would have to be open for a longer time

    Picture 2- the aperture would be around f/2.8 or f/1.4 because it is focusing right at the guys hand and the rest of him is blured.

    Picture 3- This would be an action shot and the shutter would have to be around 1/1000 because you need get the shot fast. Also the aperture hole would be maybe f/4 to allow enough light in

    picture 4 not working

  4. PICTURE 1 -> This picture of moving water is blurred because the extremly fast movement of the main subject matter(the waterfalls). I think that this picture was taken using a very small exposure of 1/100 -1/300 was used. There is not a shallow depth of feild in this picture because the background is clear and crisp. A smaller apature of f/11 was probably used to gaurentee crip images.

    PICTURE 2 -> I think this picture is using a very fast shutter speed because it's not really catching movement, it's catching a still image. So I'm guessing a shutter speed of 1/1000 was used. There is a VERY shallow depth of feild because only his hand is in focus and the other parts around it are not. This helps create a focal point. I think an apeture of f/1-f/3 was used.

    PICTURE 3 -> I think this image is using a very short shutter speed, such as 1/500 -1/1000 because capturing a picture of snow is hard due to the amount of light it casts off, and capturing a moving object motionless calls for a short shutter speed. The background is in focus so this tells me this has a smaller apeture of f11 or higher. You would need a small apeture to encure that not too much light is getting in.

    PICTURE 4-> I think this picture is blurred because of a fast moving subject. I also think this is shot is a panning shot, therefore would have a very fast shutter speed of 1/1000. There is a very shallow depth of feild, therefore having a large apeutre of f2-f3.

    **sidenote: please excuse my poor excuse for spelling!**

  5. Note: I already answered all these questions once, but my internet failed and I lost my answers. That's why my answers are so short and to the point. Just so's you know.

    #1. Because of the blurred water and the fact that everything is in focus, I'd say that the shutter speed is slower (1/30 to 1/15) and that the aperture is small (f11 to f16).

    #2. Since only the hand is in focus, the aperture is probably very large (f2 maybe). To counteract the light coming in from the large aperture, the shutter speed is rather quick (1/80 or so).

    #3. Judging by the fact that the snowboarder is frozen in the air in the picture and a lot of the background is in focus, I'd wager a 1/100 shutter speed and a f8 or so aperture size).

    #4. The panning effect seen here means that the shutter speed is probably about 1/30 and to counteract the excess light, the aperture is probably smaller, like f5.6.

  6. Picture One
    I think this picture is using a slow shutter speed, probably between 15-5 seconds because the image is blurred. The background for this photo looks in focus so this tells me that the aperture would be smaller, around f8. You would need a small open for the aperture.

    Picture Two
    I think this picture is using a slow shutter speed and a very long exposure, between 15-8 seconds because the background it blured and the hand is in focus. The background in this photo is out of focus so this tells me that the aperture would be between f2-f4. You would also need a wide aperture to let more light get into your camera.

    Picture Three
    I think this picture is using a fast shutter speed, I would say between 1/500 - 1/1000 because it is an action shot and the boy would be moving quickly so it would be harder to capture. The background is in focus and very clear so I would say that you would need a smaller aperture around f8.

    Picture Four
    I think this picture is using a fast shuter speed so I would say the shutter speed would be between 1/55-1/1000. This photo looks like an example of panning. This photo's background is out of focus and very blurry so this tells me that the aperture would be larger around f2.8. You would also need a wide open aperture to get more light into the camera.

  7. 1. I think when this photo was taken it was taken with a slow shutter speed because as you can see the water fall in the picture is very smooth looking and because it seems like a darker area you need more time for the light to be able to get in.I think that the aperture is on the smaller side because everything is very focused and there is a limited amount of light due to the light needing to take a longer time to get through a smaller aperture.
    2.I think in this photo a slow shutter speed was used as well because it seems that the exposure time was longer due to a still image and a smaller amount of light being allowed in, as well as a smaller aperture size so that the main and small focus could be narrowed onto the persons hand.
    3. I think this photo had a very fast shutter speed because firstly it is an action shot and you want to be able to catch the moment at the correct time. Secondly there is a large aperture which allows a large amount of light so that the shot could be taken quickly and clearly.
    4. I think this photo was also using a very fast shutter speed with a large aperture because the dog seems to be running very fast and there is a blurred background which shows you that the subject is in the middle of an action shot and there is also a large amount of light to be able to clearly see the image.

  8. 1. I think that the shutter speed of the first photo would be a very slow shutter speed of maybe about 8 seconds because the water is blurred. Although fast objects blurred can be captured at a shutter speed of 1/100, I don't think this is the case because in this photo you are almost seeing the water moving, meaning that you would have to have your shutter open for a longer time in order to capture that movement. The aperture setting in this case would be a small opening of maybe f16 because if you are leaving your shutter open for a longer time when it is daylight, you would need a smaller aperture so you don't overexpose the photo. As well, everything near and far in the photo is in focus therefore there is a smaller aperture.

    2. For the second photo the aperture setting would be around f2.8 to f4 because there is a shallow depth of field, meaning that the background is out of focus. Due to the large aperture, the shutter speed would be faster, maybe around 1/100 or around there, so that you don't allow to much light to enter the camera overexposing the photo.

    3. The third photo is an action photo, meaning that it would have a fast shutter speed of around 1/1000 in order to freeze the snowboarder and capture the moment of him in the air. Due to the fact the shutter speed is obviously fast, this means that the aperture must have been wide open (f2.8 possibly)in order to allow enough light to enter the camera in the short amount of time so that you didn't underexpose the photo. As well, since the photo is nice and bright, and the shutter speed was fast, the aperture must be wide open.

    4.The last photo is using a technique called panning, therefore it would have a shutter speed of about 1/40 to 1/60, which is about the shutter speed we used when we were experimenting with panning last week. Due to the fact that the shutter is open for about a medium time, the aperture setting would be a bit smaller, maybe around f8, so that you don't allow too much light to enter, overexposing your photo.

  9. #1- using a tripod, longer exposer time 1-3 seconds, wide aperture. #2 Depth of field, aperture wide,(f2.8) #3 Action shot, fast shutter speeds, 1/1000, wide aperture (f8)- Mitchel

  10. For #1 I would probably have left it open for around 5-10 seconds and a large aperture, like 5.6 f
    #2 Would be set around 2.8f
    #3 Aperture at 4 and D.O.F f32
    #4 Aperture is at like f/8 and D.O.F is at roughly 2.8

  11. For the waterfall, I think it would have a slow shutter speed (very long exposure) to blur the water in the waterfall, and with a small aperature because everything is in focus.

    For the man lying on the ground, there is a shallow depth of field where a large aperture was used, because his hand is the main focus and everything else in the background is blurred.

    For the photo of the man snowboarding, nothing in the photo is blurred so it much have had a very fast exposure, due to the fact that he is forzen in mid air. A small aperature must have been used too because everything in the photo is in focus.

  12. 1) I think this picture was taken with not so fast of an aperture because the water is a fast moving current and the current in the picture isnt exactly frozen. I think it was taken with 1/100 or higher. I think an aperture of f/4 was used because the shot is all in focus and the amount of light that enters the camera looks as if it would be from f/4.
    2) Shutter speed would really be an issue for a posed shot like this so its probably average like 1/100 but the aperture setting was 2.8 or 5.6, I know this because the background is lit in a room and the background is blurred.
    3) This was an action shot so the shutter speed would have to be somewhere between 1/500 and 1/1000. I would say an aperture of f/11 or lower was used because everything is in focus and its bright out so you would have to know your lighting situation, even when the light reflects off the snow it makes it more intense.
    4) This is a panning shot so the shutter speed should be slow like 1/100 and the aperture f/5.6 to f/11, the picture was bright and in focus.

  13. #1: This picture is slightly blurred on the water yet it has a clear view of the background so it had a slower shutter speed of 6-8 seconds. The picture is also nice and bright so the aperture would be smaller because the picture is not too exposed.

    #2: This picture has a clear focus on the hand and a blurred background so the aperture was wider ranging fom f2-4. The picture also has a faster shutter speed of 1/100-1/500.

    #3: This picture was taken using a very fast shutter speed of 1/1000 becuase it is a sharp, clear image of someone in the air so the subject is frozen in a way that would be too quick to see. This picture also has high shutter speed and it has a bright background so the aperture would be wide open with f2-4.

    #4: This picture has a clear panning effect with the dog being fairly clear and the background blurred. This would mean that it had a slower exposure and a slower shutter speed of 1/30-1/40. The aperture would be larger between f2-f4 because the background is out of focus and it is nice and bright.

  14. 1) I think this picture use a normal shutter speed around 1/100 or higher because the water fall is not frozen and is slightly blurred due to the fast moving waterfall. The background of this photo is focused so I believe a smaller aperture setting was used.

    2)I think this picture used a long exposure speed because the background of this picture is blurred and only the hand is focused. As I said the background is out of focus so I know that there was a large aperture of around f2-f4. So therefore it would need a wide open aperture.

    3)I think this picture is using a fast shutter speed between 1/500 and 1/1000 because this is an action shot and the quickly moving subject is frozen. The background is clearly visible so this tells me a smaller aperture was used around f/13 to aperture the depth of the background. So this shutter speed allows more light.

    4)The fourth picture will not show up.

  15. 1) I think I'm with most people here in thinking the shutter speed in this photo is probably longer (6-7 seconds) because the water is blurred . I also think that a smaller aperture was used because the entire image is crisp and in focus, perhaps F.8-F.11.

    2)This picture probably had a short shutter speed and a large aperture (f/2.8?) because only the hand is in focus and the rest is blurred.

    3)Since this picture is an obvious action shot, I think shutter speed was probably 1/1000, and since the entire picture is in focus and bright as can be, the aperture was probably really big so as to let all the light in really quickly.

    4) I know I didn't get a successful panning shot *cough* but I think that this one was probably shot with a slow exposure of maybe 1/30? I also think that the aperture was probably fairly large, f/2 maybe, because the background is A. Out of focus, and B. there's nice bright light.

  16. 1) For the first one, I think the shutter speed would have been slow, blurring the water together to create the look of movement.I think the picture is fairly bright because the aperture was wider.
    2)The only thing focused in this picture is the hand, so I think the aperture would have been close to f2.8, and with a regular shutter speed.
    3)This must have had a quick shutter speed because it is an action shot(1,1000) The aperture would of had to be small because it was in a brightly lit area.
    4)This picture would have to have had a fast shutter speed but slower than a regular action shot, because it is also panning.The aperture should be larger because the background is out of focus.

  17. For the first photo i would assume that it would be left open for about 10-15 seconds and a large aperture, like 5.6 f, i would also assume the ISO to be fairly high due to it being an outside shot.

    For the action shot, or second photi i would assume it to have a fairly fast shutter speed to catch the action or still movement at the right moment.

    Like the second photo, the third is an action shot. the shutter speed would be high, and the ISO would be calibrated for outside shots.

    the fourth photo is a panning shot, and the picture was taken as the dog was in full motion. though as opposed to an action shot, the backround is blurry. so the aperture is large, and the shutter speed is fast in order to get the desired affect of panning.

  18. This would be fast shutter speed between 1/600 and 1/1000
    A wider aperture is needed to bring in more light with such
    fast shutter speed. The aperture would have to be f2-f4.
