Sunday, September 23, 2012

Making the Invisible Visible: Shutter Speeds Journal #3

We see with the human eye, a world perpetually in motion, where one moment passes seamlessly into the next. Photography offers an alternative where we can freeze a moment in time. More than this it has the ablity to reveal things that the humble eyeball cannot.

Fast Shutter Speed
Eadweard Muybridge an innovator in Film and Photography was hired in the late 1800's to photograph a horse in motion to settle the scientific question of wheather they lifted all four feet off of the ground when running. The eye is literally incapable of breaking down the rapid motion. The resulting series of photographs is also one of the first examples of moving pictures.
A more modern example seen here by Seth Casteel demonstrates the tranformative power of freezing a moment in time.Check the link for a scarily funny series.
Slow Shutter Speeds
On the other end of the spectrum when the shutter is left open for a longer period of time it reveals the path of objects in motion.
Great Gallery of moths being drawn to light by Marc Driesenga...

Journal #3
Grade 11
We will be experimenting with a variety of shutter speed techniques this week. Your journal contribution will be to upload a discuss the process behind a minimum of 3 of the photographs you take this week in class.

Grade 12 
 Research the work of Edweard Muybridge and explain the influnce he had on the work of the art genre called "The Futurists". Start your research with "chronophotography" and then look for futurist paintings that have a similar look and feel.  Use a minimum of 4 pictures to illustrate the connection and a one to two paragraph response.
See the following links for help:

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